Directing Credits

- Four Coloring by Mackenzie Raine Kirkman (LakehouseRanchDotPNG, Miami, Fl, 2025)

- I'm going to eat you alive by Riley Elton McCarthy (CultureLab LIC., New York City, NY, 2024)

- Plague Play by Erin Proctor (Matthew B. Cullen & Co. , New York City, NY, 2024)

- push. by Mackenzie Raine Kirkman (LakehouseRanchDotPNG, Miami, Fl, 2024)

- rabbit by Riley Elton McCarthy (LakehouseRanchDotPNG, Miami, Fl, 2023) 

- Plague Play by Erin Proctor (LakehouseRanchDotPNG, Miami, Fl, 2023)

- juice by Mackenzie Raine Kirkman (LakehouseRanchDotPNG, Miami, Fl, 2023)

- Alternative Canon: A Sacrilegious Romp by Erin Proctor (LakehouseRanchDotPNG, Miami, Fl, 2023) 

- Aesop's Fable-ous Christmas Tree by Michael Gravois (Main Street Players, Miami, Fl, 2022)

- The Race of the Ark Tattoo by W. David Hancock (LakehouseRanchDotPNG, Miami, Fl, 2022)

- Black Sheep by Lee Blessing (Main Street Players, Miami, Fl, 2022 )

- Soccertes by Brandon Urrutia (Pinecrest Preparatory Middle and High, Miami, Fl, 2022)

- Twelfth Night by Shakespeare (Pinecrest Preparatory Middle and High, Miami, Fl, 2022)

- Antigone by Sophocles (Pinecrest Preparatory Middle and High, Miami, Fl, 2021)

- Pegitha Pitches Zilch and the Grand Fuckety Fuck by Mark Cofta (Philadelphia Dramatists Center, Philadelphia, Pa, 2021)*

- Chainmail by Brandon Urrutia (GaryCon, Lake Geneva, Wi, 2021)*                                                                                                                                                (FIU Theatre, Miami, Fl, 2020)

- Intimate/Internet by Brandon Urrutia & Michael Yawney (GableStage, Miami, Fl, 2020)*

- The Late Mrs. Gabler by Brandon Urrutia (FIU Theatre, Miami, Fl, 2019)

- Backwards From 100 by Steven Korbar (Artistic Vibes, Miami, Fl, 2019)

- Nostalgia by William Guevara (FIU Theatre, Miami, Fl, 2019)

- Disposable Hero by Shawn Scarpitta (FIU Theatre, Miami, Fl, 2019)

- Mousetrap by Agatha Christie (Barbara Goleman Sr. High, Miami, Fl, 2019)

- Tough Cookies by Brett Hursey (Artistic Vibes, Miami, Fl, 2019)

- Broken Vows by William Cabrera (Artistic Vibes, Miami, Fl, 2019)

- He Said It / I Like it to be a Play / Not Slightly by Gertrude Stein (FIU Theatre, Miami, Fl, 2019)

*These pieces were presented virtually

Assistant Director Credits

- The Lehman Trilogy by Stefano Massini, adapted by Ben Power / Dir. Bari Newport (GableStage, Miami, Fl, 2024)

- G7: 2070 by William Hector / Dir. Victoria Collado (WJLH Productions, Miami, Fl, 2023)

- Native Gardens by Karen Zacarías / Dir. Victoria Collado (GableStage, Miami, Fl, 2023)

- Trouble in Tahiti Music and Libretto by Leonard Bernstein / Dir. Michael Yawney (Magic City Opera, Miami, Fl, 2019)

- The Children's Hour by Lillian Hellman / Dir. Lesley-Ann Timlick (FIU Theatre, Miami, Fl, 2019)

- She Stoops to Comedy by David Greenspan / Dir. Michael Yawney (FIU Theatre, Miami, Fl, 2019)

- She Kills Monsters by Qui Nguyen / Dir. Tony Galaska (FIU Theatre, Miami, Fl, 2019)

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