First Year Teaching


It's been a while since there has been a reasonable update to the site.
Since August of 2021, I've had the luck of teaching a small group of students here in Miami. With my help they created their own theatre company! "Theatre of the Croc". 

Their season this year was centered around the idea of Loyalty and Misunderstanding..

We performed Antigone, Twelfth Night, and Soccertes.

Messenger speaking to Antigone and Creon
Messenger speaking to Antigone and Creon
Creon speaks to Tiresias and Chorogus
Creon speaks to Tiresias and Chorogus
Viola and Sebastian meet again
Viola and Sebastian meet again
Olivia and Viola speaking
Olivia and Viola speaking
The Team watches from afar
The Team watches from afar
The team confronts Soccertes
The team confronts Soccertes

It was an absolute joy to watch these young theatre artists grow. I cannot wait for what comes from them next.

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