Stein Time (An Evening of Gertrude Stein)


Stein Time is a piece that included three plays written by Gertrude Stein: He Said It, I Like it to be a Play, and Not I. This was an independent study assignment during my Junior year at FIU Theatre. Actors did not play distinct roles and instead played through the movement of the piece reciting the lines.

  • Featuring: Ana Gorayeb, Samantha Morato, Rosalyn Tavarez, Victoria Smith and Michelle Gonzalez
  • Stage Managed by Daniella Valdivieso
Samantha Morato, Ana Gorayeb, Victoria Smith and Rosalyn Tavarez in He Said It
Samantha Morato, Ana Gorayeb, Victoria Smith and Rosalyn Tavarez in He Said It
Rosalyn Tavarez, Victoria Smith, Michelle Gonzalez, Samantha Morato and Ana Gorayeb in Not I
Rosalyn Tavarez, Victoria Smith, Michelle Gonzalez, Samantha Morato and Ana Gorayeb in Not I
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